What is BoozCoin?

BoozCoin is a crypto currency developed on the Solana Blockchain for the alcohol industry to be used as a medium of exchange for alcohol products and related products. 


It is one part of the BoozExchange eco system that encompasses everything from buying alcohol, to NFT’s to cool games surrounding premium alcohol products as collectors items.

How do I register for the BoozCoin Pre-Sale?

Watch this 2 min video before you register for the Pre-Sale.

When will BoozCoin be available for public purchase?

BoozCoin pre-sale will be announced very soon.  Current development of smart contracts for the private sale are being tested and launched with a verification system and presale platform. Make sure you signed up to the ICO hot list so you can get notified. 

Where can I buy BoozCoin?

Upon completion of BoozCoin presales (Pre-ICO), BoozCoin will be launching IEO and ICO on several major exchanges. Including pancake swap.  BoozCoin team are planning to launch the ICO in Q1 2022. Stay tuned as it may happen earlier! 

What Exchanges Will BoozCoin be listed on?

BoozCoin is currently filing applications with the 50 top ranked Crypto Currency exchanges as per coinmarketcap.com 

The team will decide on the best exchanges to list on first. Followed by listing on as many other exchanges in Q2.  Being able to buy BoozCoin easily far and wide is a big focus of the team to ensure the highest rate of adoption of BoozCoin as a medium of payment for alcohol.

How do I setup my Wallet for my BoozCoins?

There are currently 4 mobile app wallets available on the  Blockchain for BoozCoin.

There are also 5 web wallets available.

You can view a list of these wallets here on the Blockchain.

Web Wallets

Mobile App Wallets

Videos on You Tube for these wallets are readily available including on the BoozCoin Y0uTube channel:

How can I use BoozCoin?

BoozCoin can be used as a form of payment for alcoholic beverages and other alcoholic related products. 

It can also be used for alcoholic related NFT products sold on BoozExchange.com and virtual portfolio trading games played on the BoozExchange Meta platform being released in 2022.